Water and Environment :: Water Resources
Balancing a thriving, healthy environment with good economic development and responsible social awareness calls for a comprehensive approach to watershed management. Working with a wide variety of clients from nonprofit organizations to municipal agencies, DEA provides project management, environmental science, and hydrologic engineering services related to watershed assessments, analyses, and basin-wide planning projects.
- Strategic surface and stormwater conveyance design and analysis
- Hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, analysis, studies and reports
- Stormwater retention and detention storage facility design and construction
- Hydromodification and flow control mitigation design and construction
- Low Impact Development (LID) and water quality treatment design
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) and regulatory compliance
- Fish passage design and construction
- Culvert design and construction
- Stream restoration design and construction
- Floodplain mapping and FEMA map updates
- Flood hazard management planning and projects
- 1200-C Erosion Control Plans, permitting, and peer Review
- 401 certification and Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Stormwater Management Plans (SWMPs)