With an emphasis on creative and practical solutions, we offer comprehensive planning services for land use, natural resources, and transportation projects.
Land Use Planning
We are known for finding workable solutions to complex land development and environmental problems. Our solutions balance competing interests, such as land use versus transportation needs or the protection of sensitive environmental resources, with the need for housing and business development.
- Community planning
- Comprehensive plan development
- Economic and fiscal impact analyses
- Environmental planning and documentation
- Growth management planning
- Land use permits and approvals
- Park, recreation, and open space planning
- Policy and regulatory analyses
- Public involvement strategies
- Site and development feasibility studies
- Site and facility master planning
- Transportation planning
- Zoning and subdivision ordinance development
Transit and Environmental Planning
We help our clients meet the challenges of complex transit planning projects with a full range of in-house planning, conceptual design, environmental analysis, and public involvement expertise. Our professionals address mobility, social, economic, and environmental issues in an integrated way to develop a range of creative solutions; compare alternatives; and work with our clients, the public, and policy makers to identify the right solutions for each project. Our full-service planning capabilities are provided by experienced staff who have completed high-quality transit and environmental planning work that has resulted in successfully constructed projects.
- Alternatives analysis, development, and evaluation
- Corridor planning
- Environmental linkage studies
- Feasibility studies
- Fleet planning
- Intermodal terminal planning
- Public and agency involvement
- Ridership forecasts
- Route and technology evaluation
- Service planning
- Station area planning
- Station location studies
- Transit development programs
- Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) planning
- Transit system planning
Transportation Planning
Our transportation planners provide comprehensive services from the initial investigation of a transportation problem through planning processes, public and stakeholder involvement, concept development, and preliminary engineering and cost estimates. As planners and engineers, we work with cities, counties, regional planning agencies, and state and federal departments of transportation, as well as private developers and industry with a comprehensive knowledge of diverse multimodal transportation systems.
We understand and follow state and federal grant and funding guidelines, and assist clients with the identification of and application for funding opportunities, providing realistic solutions that can be implemented quickly.
DEA’s added value is our ability to communicate effectively with stakeholders and bring integrated, multidiscipline teams to the project. We work collaboratively with our clients, creatively blending knowledge and technical expertise to arrive at solutions that best meet our community and client needs.
- Corridor studies
- Planning and environmental linkage (PEL) studies
- Feasibility studies
- Area transportation plans
- Environmental clearance and documentation
- Public and stakeholder involvement
- Grant/funding applications
- Intersection/interchange management plans
- Pedestrian and bicycle plans
- Parking evaluation and plans
- Safety analyses
- Traffic impact studies
- Traffic analyses, simulation, and modeling
- Travel demand forecasting
- Transit facility planning and station/park-and-ride facilities and operations
- Access management plans/access control plans