Water and Environment
Water is basic to survival. We are committed to whole system solutions that benefit the communities in which we live by striking a balance between the built and natural environments.
DEA’s goal is to improve the quality of life while demonstrating stewardship of the built and natural environments. Our Water and Environment group supports this goal by specializing in natural resources management, water resources management, and water/wastewater infrastructure.
We apply advanced designs, planning, and analysis to habitat restoration and protection, environmental permitting and compliance, floodplain and hydraulic analysis, wetland delineation and mitigation, stormwater conveyance and water quality, pump stations, and water distribution and wastewater collection systems as well as a host of related service areas.
Clients expect insightful solutions for projects large and small, and our team of scientists, biologists, engineers, landscape architects, and GIS specialists deliver.
Water and Environment: Areas of Focus
Environmental permitting and compliance solutions that protect natural resources and meet complex project goals.
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Innovative surface water and stormwater solutions that are context-sensitive, and preserve habitat and water quality.
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Water system planning and design solutions that maximize investments and meet aging and growing infrastructure needs.
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David Evans and Associates has been under contract to perform design, permitting and construction services for the City of Redmond on the Bear Creek Rehabilitation Project since 2006. During this time DEA has provided excellent services in managing a complex design and permit process. During construction activities they have been responsive and accurate in delivery of their services to Redmond. Overall DEA has exceeded my expectation in delivery of outstanding consulting services.
Client: Michael Haley, PE – Project Manager, City of Redmond
Featured Project
Bear Creek Rehabilitation. DEA provided stream restoration design and permitting to create a more naturally functioning system along Bear Creek in Redmond, Washington. Lower Bear Creek had been straightened and hardened by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1965, and was identified as a high priority for restoration because it is a critical migration route for diminishing wild salmon stocks from the Lake Washington system. DEA’s design featured fish passage channel restoration, streambank stabilization, wetland mitigation, and floodplain storage volume for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) “zero rise” requirements and cultural resource preservation.
Project Details | Water and Environment Projects | DEA Project Archive
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