Transportation | Land Development
Santiago Creek Bike Trail
Orange, CA
The Santiago Creek Bike Trail is an implementation of the City of Orange Bikeway Master Plan, portions of which were included in the former “Tustin Branch Trail Project.” The project begins at the intersection of Tustin Street and La Veta Avenue, and parallels the Santiago Creek until it ends at the intersection of Collins Avenue. The project completes a link in Orange County’s regional trail system to the existing Santiago Creek Bike Trail.
The City of Orange contracted with DEA to provide engineering design services for this expansion of the County’s regional trail system. The project includes a paved, ten-foot-wide trail spanning the length of 3 miles and a 2-foot-wide dirt shoulder on either side parallel to Santiago Creek. Expansion of the trail also included two pedestrian bridge crossings, construction of a runoff barrier fence, undercrossings, redesign of existing storm drain outlets, and design of new trail drainage. Coordination with Caltrans and the County of Orange was required for issuance of construction permits within their jurisdictions.
This project was funded through the federal Transportation Equity Act program funds, which include the preparation of technical studies for completion and approval of NEPA/CEQA environmental documents.
This project won a Project of Merit – Transportation award from the American Society of Civil Engineers Orange County Branch and an Engineering Project Achievement Award from the Orange County Engineering Council.
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Land Development
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