Energy :: Renewables
Pine Tree Wind Generation Phase V
Kern County, CA
As the largest municipally-owned wind farm in the U.S., Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s (LADWP) Pine Tree Wind Power Project produces 120 megawatts of renewable wind energy. This Phase V project involved the addition of ten wind turbine generators to the existing Pine Tree Wind Farm, including updating and revising the current padmount transformer specifications to meet LADWP and turbine manufacturer design specifications. To incorporate new pad mounted transformers, project drawings were updated to include the new primary cable connections, secondary cable connections, conduit entrances to the wind turbine power modules, and foundations.
Design of the collection system included providing and updating design base files and coordination of the electrical design with the civil/site grading plans. Collection system studies included analysis of the current grounding transformer design to determine that the existing grounding transformer placement and sizing were adequate for the 10 WTG addition. The existing soil thermal resistivity analysis was reviewed and updated also.
New SCADA fiber optic systems were designed to tie into the exiting fiber optic system. New fiber runs were placed in cable trenches installed for the addition.