Transportation :: Transit
Oregon Passenger Rail Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Willamette Valley, OR
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is supervising this project to study options for improved passenger rail service between Eugene and Portland, a 120-mile segment within the federally designated Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor. This environmental review process will inform a number of important decisions, including selection of the general rail alignment and communities where stations will be located. The project will also determine several service characteristics, such as the number of daily trips, travel time objectives, and the technologies to be used (for example, whether the trains will be powered by electric or diesel-electric engines).
DEA is the lead consultant for completing the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The project includes a Draft and Final Tier 1 EIS for the corridor. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) activities include ongoing environmental project management and preparation of a Notice of Intent (NOI), public scoping report, technical reports, Notice of Availability (NOA), Draft and Final Tier 1 EISs, final environmental documents, Record of Decision (ROD), and other required environmental clearance documents for the project. The project also includes conceptual engineering developed to a level necessary to support NEPA. Other project activities include public involvement, contract management, coordination with other agencies, identification of effective and acceptable solutions to problems related to the project, completion of a Draft and Final Service Development Plan (SDP), and completion of specific local land use actions as required by state law.