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Transportation :: Bridges and Structures

FasTracks West Rail Line Corridor, LRT Bridge over 6th Avenue

Lakewood, CO

DEA and the West Corridor Team provided the final engineering design for the Regional Transportation District’s (RTD’s) West Corridor Light Rail Transit (LRT) project. The 6th Avenue tied-arch bridge serves as a dramatic gateway into the greater Denver metro area and is the longest tied-arch span ever built in Colorado. Design services included civil engineering, structural engineering, architectural and urban design, and light rail planning and track design.

During the design phase, DEA engineers drew on past tied-arch experience to develop the aesthetic look of the main arch span. This approach resulted in a cost-effective and visually appealing structure. DEA worked closely with the contractor, RTD, Colorado Department of Transportation, and public relations representatives to coordinate an innovative erection scheme for the main tied-arch span. This scheme involved assembling the 286-foot main span onsite, and then rolling the entire span across the existing 6th Avenue lanes during a single weekend closure. This method minimized impacts to the traveling public during critical stages of construction.


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