Transportation :: Transit and Railroad
Culver Drive Intersection and I-5 On-Ramp Improvements
Irvine, CA
The City of Irvine selected DEA to provide engineering and surveying services for Culver Drive Intersection and I-5 On-Ramp Improvements project. The project corridor includes Culver Drive from Scottsdale Drive to the I-5 southbound on-ramps. This project consisted of street widening to provide an additional fourth lane northbound on Culver, which included traffic signal modifications, ADA compliance, ramp metering, utility coordination, and street lighting plans. As part of the widening of the street, DEA also designed the extension of an existing city mainline storm drain, provided water pollution and erosion control plans, and processed an encroachment permit for construction with Caltrans. DEA provided construction phasing and detour plans as well as traffic management plans during construction.
DEA’s survey team provided design survey and right-of-way legal descriptions. Project design included the design of private property, on-site restoration grading, and construction plans in areas of street dedications.